rarithmetic provides lasses and operations to express integer arithmetic, such as C type integer and overflow checked methods.
from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import *
def rarithmetic_example():
# integer types in C
i = r_int(0) # 32
u = r_uint(0) # 32
i32 = r_int32(0) # 32
u32 = r_uint32(0) # 32
i64 = r_int64(0) # 64
u64 = r_uint64(0) # 64
ll = r_longlong(0) # 64
ull = r_ulonglong(0) # 64
lll = r_longlonglong(0) # 128
print intmask(longlongmax)
# convert little endian to big endian and vice versa
print byteswap(1)
# perform an add/sub/mul between two regular integers, but assumes that
# they fit inside signed 32-bit ints and raises OverflowError if the result
# no longer does
print ovfcheck_int32_add(10000, 1000)
print ovfcheck_int32_sub(10000, 1000)
print ovfcheck_int32_mul(10000, 1000)
# convert to an integer or raise OverflowError
print ovfcheck_float_to_int(9223372036854775296.0 + 1)
except OverflowError:
print "Exception ovfcheck_float_to_int(): OverflowError"
# convert to a longlong or raise OverflowError
print ovfcheck_float_to_longlong(9223372036854775296.0 + 1)
except OverflowError:
print "Exception ovfcheck_float_to_longlong(): OverflowError"
# utility to converts a string to an integer
print string_to_int("10", base=10)
print string_to_int("A", base=16)
print string_to_int("1010", base=2)
print string_to_int("1_000", base=10, allow_underscores=True)
def entry_point(argv): rarithmetic_example(); return 0
def target(*args): return entry_point